Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Can we have a drumroll please?

Yes! It's taken me a little over 1 year.....but the Shadow Knit Shawl by Vivian Hoxbora is now complete! Phew! I received an email from a friend of mine, asking when I would update my blog and I said "Not until I can take a pic of this shawl!"

This is a close-up of the "shadow" that takes place.

A couple of things I learned while knitting this shawl....

1. Don't always go by the colors they have in the book. I really liked how I changed the edge and center colors.

2. Don't give yourself a timeline. I kept thinking that I needed to get it done in a certain amount of time, realizing I enjoyed knitting it more when I relaxed about it.

3. Don't worry about the little mistakes. That's what makes it your own.

4. Make sure to have extra projects going at the same time. This made me from going insane!

5. Expect that not everyone is going to like it, what matters is if you like it!

6. Most of all......BE PROUD OF YOUR WORK!
Now that I have that done, I can finally knit with my "homies" on Tuesday night! I've been so busy as of late, that I haven't had the chance to knit with my friends. Ahhhhh! I can't wait to sit back and show off my new shawl! (Kris and Anne will be so proud of me!)
Next on my knitting agenda? Finish up the raglan cardigan.....I'll probably need help from Kris, Chris and Anne and I saw a tank I would like to make from Knit Picks before I leave on a cruise in July. I also fell in love with the felted rug from Oddball knitting that seems easy enough.
For now.......I'm going to finish up a pair of socks and relax!


Kris said...

WHOO HOOO! I'm so proud of you for finishing it! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

tracy it is beautiful. very proud of you

Libby said...

Wow, that is quite a fine accomplishment of knitting. Very pretty. Way to go!

Twisted Knitter said...

It's wonderful -- very striking!

I love what you learned and the list you made; I have to agree with all of them.

You should be proud of your wonderful shawl!

Anonymous said...


lets forard copies of the pictures to vivian she would be very proud