Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bang the Thrum!

Here's what "thrumming" looks like! I know that it's difficult to see but I think you get the picture. You knit your cuff in a K1P1 rib for about 3 inches, then you start with another color, along with your thumb gusset and then you start adding your wool according to the pattern. The pattern is from Fox and Geese (or something like that!). Now all those dark blue things sticking out is the wool.....you see....that will be on the inside of the mitten. After time, it becomes matted and kind of felts! I know it sounds weird, but I've been told that's what's going to happen. If you've knit mittens before (like I have) then thrumming is really easy. Also, it can be a little boring, but I'm here to learn new techniques......right?

This week I bought a new knitting bag! Whoo! Whoo! Actually, it's a bag I saw at Bath & Body Works and I decided it would make the perfect bag. It's got two big pockets on the outside! (great for patterns!) Two pockets on the side! (great for bottled water) One zippered pocket on the inside!(great for holding money) Two pockets on the inside! (great for needles, notions etc) It has a handle and a shoulder strap and is made of fabric! It's fairly big, but it prevents me from bringing 2 bags when I go and meet my fellow knitters. So before I use it, I sprayed it with scotchguard, (it stays cleaner that way) and am awaiting anxiously for it to dry!

I've done a fair amount of knitting this week.....but it's difficult because it's been pretty darn nice outside. There isn't any snow and it's been mild, so my husband and I have taken advantage of the great weather and have been outside.

Currently, I'm working on a pair of socks using Knit Picks "dancing" sock yarn! I LOVE IT! I decided to use the pattern that was on their website and so far so good. I remember not to long ago I said that I would never knit socks, because it seemed really difficult to do. What was I thinking? They are so easy to take along and I always get compliments when I wear them! Now back to knitting..........

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