Friday, January 13, 2006

These are Off the Cuff!

Hello my fellow readers and Happy New Year! I know that it's been awhile....but I've been rather busy. I had to finish up Joan's scarf.....which she loved! I made her a scarf from Knit Picks baby Alpaca! It was so soft! My Mother-In-Law, Mary made me a beautiful lap afghan! I was so surprised! It's just gorgeous! I'll take a picture and post it, but let me tell you that the picture won't do it justice!

As you can see, I finished my "Off the Cuff" socks! I like the color, the pattern and how quickly they knit. I picked this color scheme from sockotta because it brightens my day! Here in the Midwest all the snow has melted (since it's been in the 40's & 50's), so we are left with the color brown! When I wear these I think of summer and warmer days ahead!

I've picked up my Shadow shawl again in an attempt to try and finish it. It took me one hour to try and figure out how I did it! My persistence prevailed and I figured it out! Phew! I was getting scared!

This is my newest felting project.....the Lucy bag from the Two Old Bags patterns. I'm making it from Cascade 220 (Coral & Brown). The camera makes it look orange, but trust me, it's coral. My sis-in-law Peg has a fundraiser for her church and I told her I would donate something for their silent auction. But the more I knit it, the more I think I want to keep it myself. The stitch sequence in the middle is a mosaic stitch. I wanted to make that part 46 rows, but my knitting guru Anne told me that it could become tighter because you slip a stitch every other row. I caved in and did only 23. I can't wait to see how it turns out. The great thing about felting is you can manipulate it as you go.

This weekend I'm doing a little gambling up in Green Bay........and since I don't have to drive, I'll just sit in the back and finish up this bag! Maybe I'll win so much money that I can put it all in here! Wouldn't that be sweet....

My next project I'm working on is thrumming. This is when you knit raw wool into a mitten which creates additional warmth. The most difficult part is preparing the wool. You need to separate it, roll it between your hands, twist it, then knit it with the regular yarn, making sure the regular yarn doesn't show. What a pain! A friend of mine said she only made one mitten, because it was slow going.........

Again, my apologizes for not keeping up with my blog......but I promise that I'll be better!


Anonymous said...

r those socks as comfy as they look?
lets see that finished felted bag

Tracy said...

Of course they are comfy! This is the first pair I knit that weren't too big! I hate doing gauge, so if they don't fit, it's my own fault!