Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This Hat Looks Swell!

I know that it's been a loooooong time! The weather here has been hot and sticky which makes it not a good time to knit! However, I did see something on knitty that my 11 year old wanted me to make and that's the "swell" hat. I know that from the look of things it looks great! Easy to knit, great yarn, fun to knit etc; etc; etc; But there is one thing that's wrong with it......and it's too dang small!

I'm one of these people that doesn't believe in gauge! I figure....Hey! It's a hat! No big whoop! This hat is so small it would fit a baby! (I hope Sara has a boy!) I knit it exactly how the pattern called, so I will need to go up a needle size to fit on my boys' noggin. When will I learn? Probably never!

This weekend I'm looking forward to attending stitches with my knitting homies! We leave on Friday morning to shop at the market, then we'll be attending the fashion show, and then hooking up with some fellow knitters at the Embassy Suites later that evening! I can't wait! It seems like forever since I last picked up some needles.

On the husband passed his last appraiser test, so he's getting closer to "super appraiser" status. There's another class he can take in CA, but it's so darn expensive and it takes place during the school term for our boys. He told me we both could go, but I don't want to sit in a hotel room or roam around the city by myself.

We just got back from our first cruise and it was quite an adventure. First of all, we decided to drive from WI to FL.......when we left our youngest said "My ear hurts". Not a big deal.....that is until that evening when he's crying in pain! So.....we stop at the medical center in Columbia, SC, where they try to clear his ear out and inform me that it could be a perforated eardrum! What the heck? No swimming, no sun, no ipod, etc; etc; etc; They throw him on all kinds of drugs and tell me to visit the ships' doc on that Monday. But wait.......when we get to FL we are informed that our ship is delayed because on it's previous voyage it had the norovirus outbreak! What the heck?

Now onto the ships' doc.....nice guy......couldn't speak english....but nice guy! Informs me that the infection is so great that they need to put him on a stronger antibiotic! Poor guy! Here we are on a cruise in the caribbean and he can't go in the water! He made the best of it by wearing a hat, 50 sunscreen, and wading in the littlest amount of shade he could find in the pool.

Therefore....I think I deserve to buy something fantastic at Stitches! Don't you think?
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Kris said...

So sorry I had to miss Stitches with you. I should have just blown off the family gig as it sucked a$$.

Hope the little one's ear is better soon.


Anonymous said...

I found you by googling Knitty Swell, because I knit one also, and now my teddy bear wears it! I'm doing another one, going up a size and adding more rows. You are the second blogger I found that had this same problem. I was hoping to find other's solutions to making it bigger.
I altered the graph on mine to make snowflakes, and even went up a needle size. It looks nothing like the pictures! I don't gauge either...but ours should have looked more like hers! I don't think hers even has the garter rows!
I'll post pictures soon I hope.