Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Stitch n' Pitch at the Milwaukee Brewer's game!

So here's Rose Ann knitting up a storm at the Brewer's game in August. But what's wrong with this picture? The Milwaukee Brewer's dropped the ball and didn't jump on board like other teams 18 people showed up! The other yarn shops in the Milwaukee area dropped out....except for one.....The Yarn House in Elm Grove! The owner Shirley showed up and brought us each a gift! What a great lady! She had light up needles and tshirts! Me? I picked the light up needles, because I have enough tshirts! I already used them and they work great when my husband wants to watch a movie, and I want to knit! We can now shut the light off so there isn't a glare on the TV and I can still get some knitting done!

Here's Rachel from my Thursday knitting group (aka The Yarnivore's) knitting her first sock! She certainly was taking a risk attempting to knit the gusset, with all the beer and peanuts being passed, but she prevailed! Sitting next to her is my knitting and drinking buddy Jan! She hasn't been to a Brewer game for 15 years and didn't have a chance to see the new stadium. She sat there and just took it all in! Miller Park is a great place to knit, because they have the roof in case of crappy weather!

Here's Rachel sock in all its' glory! She was so excited that it was beginning to look like a sock. Our whole group is so proud of her......She came to our group as a beginner knitter making a scarf and we told her it was time to move onto socks. With some hesitation she agreed and couldn't be happier with her new knitting talent!

I'm still knitting things for myself! I vowed that this year I was going to try and make more things for me and less for everyone else! I just finished the Twisty Turns from the wrap style book and I love it. Everytime I wear it people stop me and ask me where I bought it! I snootly reply......You can't buy anything this beautiful, this is something you can only make with your hands! Now that it's done, I'm working on the Spiral Shell from the same book. It's pretty easy, but if you mess up on the 12 stitch pattern repeat, you need to go back and fix it. Case and point......I'm watching Dancing with the Stars and I notice that I'm off by one stitch. When I started counting backwards, I noticed that I forgot to do a YO in the row below! Dang! So as I sat laughing at Jerry Springer dance and enjoying a glass of wine.......I went backwards and tore out to the missing YO!

Do you remember my last post about that "swell hat" from Knitty? My wonderful knitters on Tuesday, Kris and Stacey, suggested that I go to the knitty coffee forum to see if anyone else had a problem with gauge. Well, guess what? I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE! In fact, everyone who has tried to knit that hat had a problem with the gauge. So what does a knitter do? Try and make their own pattern.....which is my next task! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

bwahahaha, so glad to see that the freakin' pattern was stupid not you! I'm now knitting a hat with a light worsted on size 3 needles. Yep the fabric is nearly bullet proof, but, I am guessing that it will be fairly windproof as well.


Unknown said...

I am so jealous of the Stitch 'n Pitch. We need to get that going here in Detroit. : )