Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mindless Knitting

These are the dishcloths I've made while teaching my friend Sara how to knit! I would normally bring my shawl, but it's so big and the lighting isn't very good, which makes it difficult to travel with. So.....when in Rome do what the Romans do! Since she's knitting dishcloths, I thought it was the perfect time to learn some new stitches! My sis-in-law Peg bought me the calendar 365 knit stiches a day so I thought I'd try some! I only had to rip one out, because my husband said it was to "holey" for a dishcloth!

The shawl is still coming along nicely......even though the weather is warming up while the shawl gets heavier and heavier! I'm really looking forward to meeting with the "ladies" and knitting tonight at Starbucks. However, there is one person missing from our group and that is Anne! She will be laid up for a few weeks until the doc says she can drive. Good thing Kris, Chris and Lois are there to help me if I need it! Goodness knows I need it sometimes!

I also found out that there might be a new yarn store that I'm not aware of! I read about it on Kris' blog and I can't wait to find out where it is! Like I need more yarn!


Kris said...

Um - That would be the Pepper Tree in Waukesha or Knitwit on Knickinickinickinick... Not sure which one I mentioned...

Unknown said...

That's a good idea for learning new stitches. : )